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Quick Start

Install and run the desktop application to create below directory and files.

Only install browser extension alone without the web extension host binary below will not work.

Directory structure


LocalNative # folder at user home directory
├── bin
│   └── localnative-web-ext-host-X.Y.Z{-mac,-gnu-linux,.exe} # web extension host (rust binary)
└── localnative.sqlite3 # user's database

You can use DB Browser for SQLite to explore the database.


via attach file

You can copy the SQLite database file from mobile device to desktop device via File Sharing and vice versa.

Local Native desktop implemented wired sync based on files via exchange and appending items from one to another and vice versa.

via LAN/WiFi

From release v0.4.0, you can sync between desktop and desktop, also desktop and mobile.


Windows currently does not have a standalone desktop app due to an upstream issue.

There is a Mac App Store version of Local Native but due to sandbox nature, it is NOT usable because node.js fs.mkdirSync call got permission denied to create the above directories (and most likely permission issue for those browser extension manifest file as well). I am curious if there is a way to do so.